Monday, March 4, 2013

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Have you ever noticed if you start your day focused on what is wrong, you tend to notice more things that are wrong? Our thoughts create the filter by which we view our circumstances. When we focus on what is bad or wrong, we see more problems, and often times create problems that weren't there to begin with by worrying about what could happen. 

What if you chose to start each day with the idea that something wonderful was about to happen? Even if something "bad" happened, what if that "bad" thing was leading you to a better understanding of yourself? If you keep the constant expectation that something wonderful is about to happen, you remain open to the miracles and gifts of the world. The gifts and miracles are always there, but they are not always seen. 

Try living each day this week with the expectation - something wonderful is about to happen and see what happens to your days, to your relationships, and to your life.

Have a wonderful week.

~ Julia

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